Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Headboy

When Thomas joined the new school in grade 3, he was a little shy boy, a boy who made friends easily and somehow never managed to impress his teachers..once during open house I had gone to see his teacher, who asked me, 'Why didn't you bring your child? How am I supposed to remember all the kids in the class?'

Anyway that was his old school, in the new school he made friends and had a few fans among teachers too. Yet he was the little shy boy who preferred being the wall paper rather than the center of attraction. He desperately wanted to be a School Prefect but knew and accepted it was unlikely that he would ever be selected..

years passed..

Every year teacher told me what a great child I had but that was it..he was liked, approved of and forgotten..Then in grade 8th, for the first time I received complaints about him distracting class when teachers were teaching..I was surprised but understood that teenage was difficult for most kids..

then 9th grade and he suddenly was this studious student determined to make a mark..teachers were surprised at this change from shy likeable boy to disruptive Tom to the ideal student..that year he was finally made a prefect and also the House sport captain. That was all he had wanted.

Soon grade 10 came around and his name was  among the three shortlisted for the post of School Headboy. He was nervous, I was nervous..the interview went off well and on the day of the anouncement of results, I told him, may be one of the others will be selected but reaching this place in itself had been a great achievement for us..I told him that I never ever dreamed of anything close to this  ,so for me even being selected was in itself a bonus..I send him off to his class and sat nervously in the car..then before leaving checked with receptionist if the name of the Headboy had been announced..she told me ,'not yet',

So I left..when I went back to pick him up from class, he announced, 'A... is the Headboy'.
Me, 'Really, Oh OK. '
Him, 'No, just joking..I am the Headboy.'

Wow!! I think back to the little shy boy joining the school in grade 3..coming so far..
It seems the teachers voted to elect the Headboy and he was a favorite among them..

Sometimes dreams do come true and here is me hoping that all his dreams come true..😍😍
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