Tuesday, April 07, 2009


When the telephone rang early in the morning and the voice on the other side said Ricky had passed away, it didnot register. I was too groggy with sleep and Ricky was too young to die, We had seen him on our last vacation, he often came to our house, his children came home, his wife was a regular at home, beside he was a young healthy man and young men do not die of cardiac arrests.
Ricky was the young turk of the Angady, with a nack of rubbing everyone on the wrong side. He has an opposing opinion to every one's opinion. This trait landed him in trouble when he tried to sell his land and the Angady went to work against him, saying he had included church property in his own land. Of course the land was measured and the Angady was proved wrong.But the sale fell through and his financial problem already high just hit the ceiling.
Now everyone wonders why did he not see a cardiologist when he knew he had heart problems? Now everyone wonders, was it because of his financial problems?
Of now everyone wonders, did we cause his death, make his wife a widow and his children orphans?
Creating obstacles and letting petty differences get in the way of friendships is so easy, then things go wrong and everyone is left wondering did we wrong him?
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