Sunday, September 21, 2008

Seeds from home

Seeds of a lot of flowering plants were brought back from vacation at home this year. Balsams, amaranthus, vinca and a pretty purple flower I donot know the name of. Euphorbia is the current rage in all homes in Kerala and I have brought stem cuttings of all most all varities I saw around. They are perfect for the desert clime here and seem to be doing well already. My garden is still not in full splendor but is surely going towards its original state.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dead garden

I am back from a long vacation in Kerala. Hubby dear forgot to water the plants and they are mostly dead and I am furious. So now am on garden resurrecte mission.
This week I planted string bean seeds and they are all up showing two strong leaves. Hope they do better than my tomatoes did earlier this year. The summer heat is still on, dust hangs in the air and the haze has been on for a few days now, but is now beginning to clear. Hope the winter weather starts soon. I wonder if it is time for the tomato seeds to be planted.Think I will plant some and see how it does and then plant the rest a month later.
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