Saturday, September 19, 2009

My V Chachan

V my eldest uncle had a stroke, his right side is paralysed and he is unable to speak. Now they are doing pysiotherapy to see if he will recover. V in our youth was the strictest uncle, always grim and looking for ways to punish us for mistakes, we often didnot commit. He wasn't liked much by any of us. But as we grew older and as he grew older, he turned mellow, almost into a gentle soul. We saw that beneath that rough exterior, he was a soft squiggy guy, someone with lots of love to give. Maybe it was us who had changed. In our youth, we feared him and failed to see the love he had for us but now that we have no fear of him, it seems easier to see the real him.
We his neices and nephews love him or is it just me, but his family pretty much hates him. Sad that, he lived for his family ignoring everyone else and now when he needs his family, he is just a nuisence to them and the brothers and sisters and their families that ignores are the only ones to care for him.

Friday, September 18, 2009

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