Sunday, July 30, 2006

July 30, 2006
An opinion

A Thomas Friedman article on the current Middle East crisis received strong reaction from readers. He said that Arab governments instead of concentrating on building more schools, roads and infrastructure for their country, spend more time on thinking up ways to provoke Israel. That, it was not building up the country that mattered as much as, how many Jews you have killed.
Well a bit too strong but a valid point some might say. It really is difficult to find much logic in Hezbollah’s decision to kidnap Israeli soldiers when there was no provocation at all from their side.

The papers are filled with pictures of children and babies wounded and dead. Horrifying pictures of angels caught in the crossfire. Their parents still voice support for Hezbollah. Maybe the education system is to blame. When you are taught that Israel is the enemy that has to be wiped out from the face of the earth it becomes ingrained in them, becomes a part of their being.

Everyday there are articles by Arab or Muslim writers about the injustice of the creation of Israel. Of how they were planning to create a country in South America where they were unwelcome etc but ended up in Palestine with the help of the colonial powers. The problem is that they don’t seem to move on from there. Each time there is a crisis these things are repeated. They haven’t learned there are injustices in the world and sometimes one just has to make peace with it and get on with life. It would be much like Native Indians carrying terrorist attacks against American soldiers for settling in America or the aborigines against the Australians or even he Dravidians in India against the Aryans. Some things just have to be accepted. There really is no way Israeli’s are going to leave, so the Arabs might just as well accept it and get on with their lives.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

July 29, 2006

It has been a fortnight of reunions. I was making a family tree on the site GeneBase and during the research into family names came across a site that claimed to have millions of names in its database. When I tried to get the names they wanted me to enter info about the secondary School I graduated from. There I found the name and address of an old classmate. My cousin and half the class used to have a crush on him. Well I saw it and promptly forgot all about it. Then I received a mail from this classmate and soon we were exchanging notes on all the others and I was suddenly in contact with a lot of them. Some of them actually in the same town as me. Soon we were emailing photos, catching up on news about old teachers and telling each other about our spouses and kids. Right now I receive at least one email from one of them every day and we have a lot of catching up to do. It is fun now. Though I wonder if any of us will have the energy to keep up the tempo.

It is nice to be in touch with them without all the old competitiveness and crushes and feelings and jealousies. Just plain friends. But maybe the old feelings never go away and all we really want to know is how the others have done. To see if any of us has done better than the others. The pettiness really never goes away.
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