Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama President

A new era has begun, unlike any we have known. Barack Obama took oath as the 44th President of United States of America watched by millions around the world and the world suddenly looks a better, a rosier place than before. Maybe all this optimism is misplaced, maybe no man, no matter how good intentioned, can bring that much change but everywhere there seems to be hope of better things to come. As if this is the second coming of Christ. And the miracle is that he is not lily white but of a darker shade, this prophet of change.
All of us sat clued to the TV sets, watching everything not missing anything and praying that all goes well for this man who promises to bring goodness back to the world. A lot of my friends said they hoped the helicopter carrying Bush towards Texas would crash, and I have to admit I hoped for the same too but then caught myself just in time as I did not want anything not even the happy event of Bush’s death to deflect attention from Obama’s day.
The world is still in ecstasy and I hope and pray this honeymoon continues for ever and Obama is able to uphold all this hope we have in him.
The images added here are from various websites around the world.


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