Saturday, December 05, 2009

We don't molest children

Saw an interesting report in gulf News about how parents should be careful about child abuse The report quotes an official as saying that though child moletation is alien to our ie UAE culture, we need to be careful about it and of course be vary of impolite, dirty looking strangers etc etc etc. Well, all i can say is, the man is confused. Child molestation is not alien to any culture, may be unknown because no one reports it and it is a well hidden secret but surely unless you are aliens from another galaxy, it i very real. the more it is denied, the bigger the problem is. Children need to be protected not from filthy dirty looking strangers but from friendly looking loving grand papas and sweet uncles who are eager to baby sit and so on. That is the message that needs to be put out. Most children are abused by people they and their parents trust and so are often too scared to complain against. If we are serious about tackling the problem we need to face the fact rather than hide behind myths like we don't do it, only bachelors deprived of sex for a long time in labor accommodations do it. It is a disease of the mind and like all other psychiatric problems is not confined to any particular culture or group but is universal.


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