Thursday, October 26, 2006

Messing in up

Today morning we had heavy mist outside. The funny thing about mist is that we think of mist or fog as cold but here in Dubai it is actually warm and thick. One can barely see ones feet if you happen to look down. Dubai is turning pretty with all the Zinnias and marigold flowering on the road dividers and sides of the roads. Come winter, the place turns picturesque with all the flowers.

A few days back I was called for an interview for the post of secretary. I did not want to go, as I really am lousy as a secretary. I am better at making others work rather than working myself. Anyway I did not inform Joe about this. Later they called and postponed the interview to after Id holi9days. Then the day we had gone to KM Trading with Reji, he showed us their new office and it just happened to be the same building as the one they called me for interview.

“Which floor are you on?” I asked.

“The mezzanine floor.”

“Name of the company.”


“OH My God!! I was called for an interview there. Then they called to postpone it.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I wanted to ask you but forgot. Even Joe did not tell me.”

“I did not tell Joe, because they canceled.”

It seems Joe had given him my CV. And I do not know what hell would have broken out if it had all not been cleared up. I would not have told Joe, and when Reji asked him about it, he would have asked me and found out that I had not informed him in spite of knowing it for sometime and that would have been my end. Sometimes things like this happen, things that can mess up everything, then it clears up by itself with no help from us. Then things happen that no matter how much fixing we do, remains messed up forever.


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