Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Gardening in Dubai

Gardening is sure a challenge in Dubai, especially if you stay in an apartment with a balcony. Everything has to be bought from stores, potting soil, containers and even plants. Most unlike home in kerala where a garden is started quiet easily, mostly with plant cuttings from neighbours, friends or even total strangers. Since everything grows fabulously in the good fertile soil and with abundant rain, gardening used to be a breeze.
In Dubai it is different, the summer temp can easily exceed 50 degree centigrade and getting the perenials to survive that is an art. I usually move everything inside into the airconditioned 
rooms,  away from the sun, but still manage to lose  many plants during the annual two month vacation. The people entrusted to water the plants kill some by over watering and some by underwatering. Well the vacations are approaching and I am experimenting with various plastic bottles hoping to develop a drip irrigation system that ensures my plants getg enough water till the person comes to water every week.

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